5 Ways to Keep Active Whilst Working in an Office


You’ve probably heard the reports by now that claim sitting down all day every day at work is killing us and making us fat. We’ve evolved over tens of thousands of years as active hunter-gatherers, but now we’re sitting on our bums more than ever and this bad news…


Luckily, there are a few ways to keep active throughout the day at work, here’s how… 

1.      Get up and move about every hour

Stand up, take a walk to the water cooler, grab a snack, make a coffee, go and have that chat with your colleague on the floor below, nip to the toilet, go out for some fresh air – there are plenty of things you can do to take a couple of minutes break and work your legs.

You should NEVER stay seated in your chair for hours on end which we’ll discuss more next.


2.      Ask your boss for a CONVERTIBLE! (We mean a sit-down/stand-up desk, silly!)

According to research, sitting down at work all day every day for the majority of your career can be as detrimental to your health as smoking, whilst standing for just 3 hours per day can benefit you greatly by burning off up to 12lbs of fat per year.


In our everyday lives, we sit down at work, sit down when we travel to and from work, and sit down on the sofa in the evenings. It’s not natural and not healthy: sitting down for long periods is proven to slow down our metabolic rates which leads to weight gain.


Standing up for just a few hours a day, however, can reduce obesity and improve circulation, so it’ll not only make you feel better, it’ll most likely make you more productive thus making your employer happier. That’s a win-win, isn’t it? Ask your employer for a convertible, go on!


 3.      Take the stairs; not the lift

 Following on from the last point about how lazy we have become, you should make it your thing to take the stairs and not the lift. Taking the stairs is probably the best office workout you can do and you get the added benefit of missing all those awkward lift moments!


4.      Stretch.

 Stand up and have a little stretch every now and then. It’s as simple as that. You don’t necessarily need to do any particular stretches, just do what feels good. Listen to your body. Alternatively, there are plenty of free apps for your phone or PC that will give you ideas if you really want them. 


5.      Use the On-Site Gym (if you’re lucky enough to have one)

 If you’re one of the lucky ones, use the facilities provided to you! Get in that gym for a short, sharp burst a few times a week and you’ll feel full of vitality.


And that's how you do it! Obviously these are minor excercises and should be complimented by 2-3 sessions of proper exercise per week. It's best to start with short sessions lasting 20-30 minutes at least a day apart to allow for adequate rest and recovery.


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